          聽海的歌 - 童安格 20080926 超級星光大道 我的第一張專輯 第十六段 林鴻鳴:聽海的歌∕童安格(17分) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 酒店兼職------------------------ You can sing better than Angus Tung to score better two points:1. Angus Tung sounding like "Duck" broken sound when he voicing 售屋網 the music "不想讓你看著我日漸凋零日漸 脆弱 ", therefore, if you can figure out a better sound to voice this suck, you must deserve a super star future. 2. Angus Tung mand 房屋買賣arin sound has too much imperfect to fit his population, therefore, you can do your best to improve your Mandarin pronouncing to deserve you can do better to beat his population.You know how to read 濾桶and write Chinese words, if you cannot sing your Mandarin words perfectly, you must have no way to sing any English song to get good ears. "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is the lowest level of your people, their only must needed 土地買賣 duty is to do their own best "Show.身.Young.Sin" (Therefore, "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must have to make sure to keep Chinese best moral value "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" to play out, any role they play must have to take physical contact to s 室內裝潢how off, the Director must demand clean the scene, only needed professional be allowed on site, that must mean any "opera" play must not be allowed to show male and female physically in touch, that how come The Phantom of the opera played site must have to burn down a 票貼long with all players and audience to go to hells not ever to get chance to see day light again.)to deserve God bless your entire Nation good luck; when your "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must have to bend to your evil doers to use "Fans" name to left their "Show.身.Young.Sin" behind, that mus 婚禮顧問t mean your nation rather die young than last long. Your Mainland Chinese showed shamelessly selfishly used fans name to chase to tool "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" "5.Swall.Boot.用.7.G." can tell you Mainland Chinese too much evil population for your democRATic Republic of China in Taiwan to deal with, therefore, you 帛琉 China Communist Rebel must have the guts to do your biggest rebel duty to kill them all to make sure your China won't die or worse than die out like Chinese said "生.Boot.Rule.4" in front of your eyes.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租屋網  .

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